Test your knowledge! Enjoy a fun night of trivia, laughter, fellowship and PRIZES!!
Support the club by getting together a group of friends to attend our fundraiser. A few rounds of trivia plus fun, interactive games (bring along your gold coins to participate).
This is a child-free event.
Saturday March 5th 2015.
7pm-10.30pm @ CLA Clubrooms, Casey Fields.
BYO Nibbles & Alcohol (any alcoholic beverages must be consumed in the clubrooms)
$15 per person.
Tables of 8 or 10 (limited tables for 10 people, so be in quick to reserve one)
Payment is required upfront. RSVP- 1st March.
Please contact Nina- 0408 379 604 or
marina.odea@bigpond.com Karen- O448 204 010 or
karen_ashton@hotmail.com for queries and to reserve your seat/table.