Under 6 50m 100m Long Jump Discus
Under 7 50m 100m 300m Shot Put Long Jump
Under 8 70m 100m 400m High Jump Shot Put
Under 9 70m 100m 400m Long Jump Mini Javelin
Under 10 1100m Walk 100m 400m Long Jump Discus
Under 11 1100m Walk 100m 400m High Jump Javelin
Under 12 1500m Walk 100m 400m Triple Jump Javelin
Under 13 1500m Walk 100m 400m High Jump Discus
Under 14 1500m Walk 100m 400m Triple Jump Shot Put
Under 15/16 1500m Walk 100m 400m Triple Jump Shot Put
Multi Class 50m 100m 400m Shot Put
Parent Sign-Ups: Sign Up for ONE DUTY!!
Please note: when you sign up for duty, you are required to do this duty for the duration listed, not just occasionally through the day. You are there to help the WHOLE age group, not just certain athletes.
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